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Saturday, 28 January 2012

What is a Tablet Computer?

You see them everywhere now at coffee shops , in the park . Everywhere there are people holding what sort of look like giant cell phones and tapping away on them with a serene look of joy on their faces . They're tablet computers – or tablets for short . But while we see them more and more everyday , you often hear people who don't have one ask a very simple question ; what are they ?

Tablets are hand-held computers that are either flat or wedge-shaped , and function by having the user touch the screen to initiate whatever action they wish to perform . They have no physical keyboard and are completely portable , using rechargeable batteries for power . They can use wireless and/or mobile technology (  3G ) to connect to the internet . They are smaller than most laptops , and are capable of running a wide range of applications , from video games to email clients .

The majority of tablets have screen sizes around 10” in diameter – but there are some with 7” screens as well . And as tablet technology advances , they are increasingly utilizing operating software designed specifically for mobile devices rather than the traditional desktop computer . Because of this , tablets are quickly becoming the equal of even the most sophisticated desktop machines in-terms of accessing media .

One of the more interesting aspects of tablet technology is that it qualitatively advances the movement toward acquiring software solely via the internet instead of through a boxed cd or disk . The other key component is the shift to touch screen technology . While this technology has been around for a while , it was never really practical for desktop computers . Imagine having to reach across your desk to tap your computer screen as your only means of navigation . That would get tiring pretty fast . But with a hand-held device like the tablet , touch-screen technology has finally found a home .

The three leading types of tablets currently on the market are the iPad by Apple , several versions utilizing the Android Honeycomb OS , and the Blackberry Playbook with its own operating system designed specifically for a tablet . While each has its own unique features , together they provide computer users with an exciting new way to access internet and
multi-media technology – in a completely portable way .
If a smart phone is too small for you , and a laptop just a little too big - tablets are that perfect middle ground you've been looking for.