Your staffing company’s reputation with the clients that you serve is fundamental to any success you wish to have. Advertising and marketing can do a lot for your image but it is important to have a solid service record to build upon. For staffing agencies, quality service is often dependent upon the talent that you provide. Background screening is the first step in providing your customers with the highest caliber of candidates. Today, 12% of all job applicants have a criminal record and in some areas it’s even worse with a 20% criminal hit ratio. In addition to those staggering statistics, 45% of all resumes contain material lies or omissions about education, past employment, or qualifications.
For the above reasons and the fact that background checks are mandatory in some states we have built a powerful background screening integration, called the Evaluator, into Bond Adapt recruiting software. Evaluator gives you the power to interpret information with accuracy, speed, and peace of mind. You can run customized background checks with this tool without leaving the Adapt application, by simply clicking a button. Using a quality background screening tool ensures you can be more confident in every placement you make.
Sales Management in Bond Adapt Recruiting Software
Staffing firms must have some kind of sales management tool to survive in today’s economy. Sales management tools aide businesses by lowering costs, tracking customer data, providing metrics and reports, and allowing information to be shared across a company.
An effective sales management system can show you not only where your company stands with numbers and charts but also provides insight into where your company is going. The most effective of these systems provide you the data you need to make the right decision
In the past few years I’ve noticed a common trend among those contacting us looking for recruiting and staffing software – many want a system that both their recruiting and sales teams can collectively use. Not only is Bond Adapt a great tool for recruiters, but we have the strongest Sales Management features in this industry, offering a system where both pieces interact in real time. In Adapt, you’ll find contact management and sales analysis as well as opportunity and lead tracking (not many of our competitors are going to allow you to track every phase of a job the way Adapt does).
Marketing to the Masses
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your message out. Sure, you know that some recipients on your list are hitting the delete button before they even open the message, but what about everyone else? Your email could reach the right recipient at the right time, finding its way to someone that needs your staffing services.
If you are not taking full advantage of email marketing, here are some reasons to start:- It is so simple. Executing a campaign takes little time and is relatively inexpensive. Once you have a list of recipients in place and a strong message, what is easier than sitting at your desk and pressing “send”?
- You can reach thousands. Even if some recipients are choosing to delete your message right away, they still have to read your name or the name of your company. Your brand is appearing right there in the inbox, more likely than not, the prospective customer will see it and over time, begin to recognize your name. It’s better than the chance that they will see some random advertisement, right?
- Flexibility. Sometimes I want to email all of our customers and prospects about a new press release or a conference we are attending. Many times, however, I will need to email only prospects to promote our software. Most Email Marketing services allow you to categorize recipients in an unlimited number of lists so that you can target a specific group or send an email to all recipients in your database to reach a larger audience.
You Want What? Writing Software Requirements from a Builder’s Perspective.
Writing Requirements from a Builder’s Perspective
Every day in life we are faced with requests“Will you make me lunch?”
“Johnny, put your shoes on.”
“The kitchen should be updated”
“Honey, can you pick up some chips from the store?”
Seems simple enough, right? But when you get home from the store with a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and you hear; “I didn’t want those chips; I wanted the lime tortilla kind. You know that’s what I like.” Then you have to go back to the store, or your honey goes to the store to get their own chips, or they just put up with the Cool Ranch Doritos and sulk while eating them. Also, next time you know to tell little Johnny to put his shoes on his feet before running outside to play. Point being, in order to get exactly what you want, you must be specific.
As a recruiting and staffing software builder I’ve received requests, or requirements, that seem detailed enough, but in actuality do not have enough information. It’s imperative that you take ownership in helping your Business Analyst compile your requirements. Your Business Analyst will guide you during the specifications sessions; however, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re telling your BA the specifics of your company’s requirements.
Keep these common traps tucked in the back of your mind while working with your BA:
Trap1: | Avoid vague and ambiguous statements; do not make assumptions. |
Reason: | You know your business best. Make sure all information is relayed to your BA. |
Requirement example: | “Gather the contact’s information.” |
Questions from me: | What information? Where should the information be stored? |
Trap2: | Avoid adjectives |
Reason: | Adjectives are subjective and requirements need to be quantifiable and testable. |
Requirement example: | “Make the Candidate Name field larger.” |
Questions from me: | “Larger” – does that mean taller on the screen, longer on the screen…?Do more characters need to fit in the field? Where does this need to be“larger”? Also, which “field” specifically? First Name, Full Name, Nickname… |
Trap3: | Avoid pronouns. |
Reason: | Pronouns are vague and requirements should be able to stand alone, and at a minimum, should reference other requirements if pronouns are unavoidable. |
Requirement Example: | “It should always copy from the other record anytime anyone clicks this button.” |
Questions from me: | What should copy? From what record? What button? Always? Anytime? Anyone? |
- It is feasible?
- Is it testable?
- It is clear to someone not involved in your spec session? For example – ME, your system builder!
- Does it say where, when, who…?
- Are you over-engineering something that is applicable only to the 1%?
Fish Where the Fish Are with Bond Adapt Recruiting Software
The year is 2011…come on people…are you still skeptical of recruiting with social media sites?
If you answered yes to the above question you may want to take a closer look at what sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter can offer your staffing company. The number of passive candidates found on Facebook would alone be enough of an argument to prove the importance of opening your search to social networking sites. Facebook, for example, has over 800 million active users; each averaging 130 friends. I recently heard that every second someone joins Facebook and now people spend more time on Facebook than Google searching! As you know, a bigger talent pool means the better your chances are to find the highly qualified candidate you seek. Are you still skeptical?
By posting your jobs to Twitter or Linked in or Face book and/or 300+ other networks, you also increase visibility. You are putting your brand out there where many candidates spend free time. Your online presence should extend beyond your company’s website and job boards if you a really interested in growing your business and reputation for fast placements. Leveraging social networks is a simple way to build that brand recognition.
So, here’s the good news! I have a proposed solution that will rapidly catch you up with Generation Y or Millennial Generation or Generation Next or Net Generation or Echo Boomers or whatever they’re calling our fastest growing talent pool.
We offer an integration between Bond Adapt recruitment software and Job Magic, a market leader in social recruiting.
Key benefits include:
- Leverage optimized job postings to social media in order to reach a massive audience.
- Boost your company brand visibility and engagement with embedded career videos.
- Maintain brand consistency across your entire recruitment team.
- Increase recruiting efficiency with automated social publishing.
- Fill positions faster with unique candidates at lower cost.
- Empower your recruiters with a competitive advantage to attract the right talent.
- Out-recruit competition in the largest talent pool in the world – social media.
Bond International Software Inc. Completes Deidre Moire Upgrade on Bond Adapt Recruiting Software to Enable Continued Growth
Stephen Reuning, President of Deidre Moire said, “During the recent economic downturn, Adapt’s flexibility was key to our ability to adjust quickly to changing market demands and rapidly improvise business processes and priorities. While others were shrinking, we were growing.”
Bond Adapt’s configurable workflow engine has been a strategic benefit for Diedre Moire over the last twenty years, enabling them to effectively manage and use their vast database of over six million resumes. With Bond Adapt as their recruiting software foundation, Diedre Moire has determined that upgrading to Adapt’s v11 platform will expand the configuration capabilities and robust features of the recruiting software, and give Diedre Moire the scalability and dependability necessary to support their growth in the future.
Bond International Software, Inc. President and CEO Steve Taylor commented, “We are proud of our continued partnership with Diedre Moire – the upgrade to our latest Bond Adapt platform is testament to our ability to take on a project of any scale. We look forward to assisting them in the management of their large database by providing the technology they need for limitless growth.”
About Diedre Moire
For more than 30 years, Diedre Moire has been a leading recruiter of technical professionals and senior executives, successfully filling thousands of positions for clients worldwide. With affiliate offices throughout the United States and a wide range of recruiting specialists in almost every profession and industry, Diedre Moire is the ideal partner for the executive seeking to build a premier team and the professional looking to excel in his or her career.
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