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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Hide Text Inside image

If you have any personal file,you dont want to share with anybody,you dont want to show anybody.You want to hide it from everyone.Then this post is useful for you.
I have a trick to hide your file inside an image.
Its so simple.follow some steps for do so:
First open the notebook.
Now you have to give the space of two lines.
After this two lines space into notebook,copy,paste or write that file or text you want to hide from others.
In next step take an image.
Make sure to keep the image and text file in the same directory.

Now all you need is a command prompt window. So go to Start-> Run-> type “cmd” and press enter.

Navigate to the folder where your files are stored using “cd” command.

Now type the following command:

copy /b Image.jpg + Text.txt Output.jpg

Where, Image.jpg is the name of your image file and Text.txt is the name of your text file. Give a space between [Image.jpg + Text.txt] and [Output.jpg]

Output.jpg is the name of the file that will be created after you run this command.

Make sure that Image file name comes first and then the text file name after copy /b. Doing the opposite will not work.

Now, press enter and you’ll see an Output.jpg file that will get created in that same directory. You could now open the image, the image will open normally.